Wednesday is fieldtrip-day and we visited another of Strømme's projects here in Lima. This time a home for teenage mothers in Villa Maria del Triunfo, one of the poorer districts.

The center
In Peru, there is a major problem with teenage pregnancies. Lack of sexual-education in schools and the fact that this issue is taboo, plays a big part. Although this is a problem in the whole of Peru, it only exists three other centers like the one in Villa Maria.
The ten girls living at the center in Villa Maria, are between 13 and 18. They have been placed there because their family couldn't or wouldn't take care of them when they became pregnant. One of the girls had been raped by her stepfather and her mother didn't want to throw him out, so then she found a home at the center. The feelings that arrise after something like that happens, are not easy to handle. So the girls recieve psychological help, so they over time can be able to deal with their situation.

The center also has its own kindergarten
In addition this, the girls also have a baby to take care of. On the weekdays the children are in day-care, while their mothers recieve education and training in sewing and making clothes, or cosmetics. The girls also have an opportunity to finish school at the center, as the school won't let pregnant girls attend. The length of the stay varies, from months to over a year. The center works to get the girls reunited with their families or with other alternatives.

Karen and one of the babies
The girls we met were so friendly and happy! Although their situation might be a consequence of abuse, they take so good care of their babies. They are amazing!
Here are some photos from the rest of our week

Boattrip outside "La Punta"